Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How are mobile ads targeted?

How are mobile ads targeted?

AdSense for mobile content program policies

AdSense for mobile content program policies

Luv4Life Faith to Overcome Hindrances.: When a Father refuses to be a daddy too his child.

Luv4Life Faith to Overcome Hindrances.: When a Father refuses to be a daddy too his child.

When a Father refuses to be a daddy too his child.

 Why is it that men let other people direct them when it content they kids?
It bad when a child grow up without both parents, the most mental broke
on the a child is when he or she find out that the reason a parent was on is 
been less then cause someone is influences them.  A child only does what
 that have learned or seem, do you know if a spouse is abusing their mate
your kids starts hurting one another, for (sample- A Family has a family
union, and one of the grand children was in town. Whom was rise without 
both parents, this child and here baby wasn't welcome. The head of the
family which a Minster Tell members of his family not to bring the other child. 
Which  is the minstersons daughter.   He fail to realized, he was a father first,
then he marriage a wife without telling her about his children. So 45 years later one parent is dead, and the other parent lives but still continue to live in the past out off
he daughter, and grandchildren plus great grandchild life. Now one parent
left living plus a grand parent. Father is still disowning his daugther. She is so
confuse that she try to kill herself. This man need to grow up, cause the child
he don't claim will never show him that he will always be love by his daughter.
help stop suicide among mental patients, help these children by rising funds
 for mental health research. Not claiming this child  could a problem in your

Luv4Life Faith to Overcome Hindrances.: Verification: Meta tag

Luv4Life Faith to Overcome Hindrances.: Verification: Meta tag

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mate's that give up their freedom for love.

        Relationship's is like a basketball game. You win some and you lose some, but to see a woman
 give up her freedom, for a mate that don't desert it, is crazy. We have mate's that totally
dog us out. The cheat and even abuse us, making seem like they don't care. It take a cold
heart person to let, a woman take a jail charge to lose her freedom, and not take the blame
 themselves.  Why do mate's make it so hard to excite a true relationship with a good woman.
  Some women are so strong that, regardless of what they mate's do or has done they
hang in there. But the sad thing about that is they in up with low self esteem, depression,
bipolar disorder. The brain can only take so much abuse wheather it mental or physical.
  What happens when the mate snap cause you gave your all and some? A life sentences
in prison.
                                                                                                                                      By Luv4Life Staff